Parts Counter Person
The Parts Person (or Parts Sales Person) is the principal contact between the parts department and customers for the sale or ordering of parts and accessories. A Parts Person can work in new car dealerships, aftermarket parts stores, and in some cases, independent repair shops or collision repair shops.
- Able to clearly articulate ideas
- Able to work under pressure
- Effective interacting with others
- Good at multi-tasking
- Good with numbers
- Resourceful
Personality Traits
- Extroverted
- Fond of helping others
- Organized
- Patient with others
Salary Range
Career Roadmap
Parts Delivery Driver (Entry Level Position)
Parts Sales / Inventory/Warehouse Person (Mid Level Position)
Parts Counter Person
- Parts Manager
Keys to Success
- Technical training
- Excellent mechanical/automotive parts knowledge
- Superior customer service skills, both on the phone and in person
- Physically fit / capable
- Ability to work independently and manage multiple priorities
- Time Management and problem solving skills
Job Training
A Part Sales Person may require some technical training. The following training programs are available:
Related Careers
Explore careers that are related to Automotive Parts Counter Person:
Parts Manager